Monday 4 March 2013

11 February 2013 - L'Archipel, Seychelles

Got up at 8, showered and headed to breakfast. Pam then realised her phone hadn't clicked over to the local time so we were an hour out and only just made breakfast before it finished at 10. The view was lovely, table on the sand under shade, blue water lapping very white sand, sea breeze, green hills all around. A buffet breakfast with a good variety, great service. We think they'd been "warned" about the angry guests in room 19. We made up some rolls for lunch.

Just relaxing..

A travel rep from Masons, the agency looking after us on Praslin, met us after breakfast to explain the options we had during our week. We told her all the drama from the day/night before. It would seem we're not the first to be upset about the water situation and her recommendation is that we go into the local village, about 1.5km walk along the beach, to get our supplies including water. She offered to drive us there after our chat. We weren't planning on doing any of the other trips they had on offer to other islands as we really just wanted to sit, swim, read and veg out. She was fine with all that. Terry had made a list of what we wanted, we had a small bar fridge in the room and plenty of cupboard space for clothes and other bits and pieces.

We went into the village, exchanged some euros for rupees and went shopping in the local supermarket where we could get booze, biscuits, cheese, water etc. Terry then offered a local guy the equivalent of $8 to drive us back to the hotel as it was a bit heavy to carry what we'd bought. He agreed and off we went. So now we're organised.

Spent the afternoon reading and lazing about. The beach isn't suitable for swimming because the water is choked with seaweed, which is a pity. The pool was fine, not many people swimming although the hotel looked as if it was close to full.

Went down for dinner around 7.30. Meal OK. The manager of the hotel was buzzing around talking to every table but ours. I guess he was concerned there'd be a scene so he avoided us. As we left the restaurant he was waiting for us in the bar. He knew who we were even though we'd not met before. He asked how our stay was going, Terry said that he would be well aware of our issues and we didn't really want to go through it again after a relaxing meal. We left it at that and went back to our room for a relatively early night.

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