Monday 4 March 2013

20 January 2013 - Tau Pan Camp, Kalahari Desert

Wake up call at 5am. Light breakfast, then off again for our morning safari at 6.

Headed west into the Kalahari Desert. We saw 4 giraffe off in the distance, couldn't get closer as there were no vehicle tracks to that area. As we were in a national park all vehicles have to stay on the main tracks and can't go "off road" as you can in private concessions. We will be able to go "off road" in the next 2 camps.

We looked for the lions from last night but didn't find them. Lots of birds in the grasslands - one very interesting and active bird was a "weaver", a beautiful yellow bird that builds the most amazing nests. We could watch them for ages.  Lots of unusual and colourful insects and pretty wildflowers. Headed back to camp at 11am for brunch.

 Golden weaver

Yellow billed kite 

Golden weaver nests 



One golden weaver outside and one inside the nest  


Colourful butterfly 


In the middle of nowhere 



Termite mound

Afternoon siesta from 12.30 to 4.30. We opted for a shorter afternoon drive of 1.5hr. Came across birds and general animals as well as a lone jackal, unusual butterflies and herds of impalas. We had our "sundowner" near the impalas before heading back to camp after another amazing sunset.


Mating grasshoppers 

Green butterflies 


Carstom (L) and Timber (R) 


Back at camp, the staff put on a show with african singing and dancing, great harmonies.

At dinner, a couple of new guests had arrived from Australia. Ian and Sarah Venning, father and daughter, Sarah went to Strathcona Girls School in Canterbury and knows a few daughters of friends of ours, small world. 

Bed around 9.30.

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