Monday 4 March 2013

5 February 2013 - Olduvai Camp to Serian Kakessio Camp

Up at 6.30, breakfast at 7. Took a packed lunch and headed off at 8.

The drive to the next camp was 4 hours away. We drove through beautiful country and saw lots of general game and birds. The road was pretty rough and bouncy. The Toyota landcruiser didn't have a lot of suspension to buffer the bumps. We drove through a long valley of Maasai villages, lots of cows, goats, sheep being herded through the plains.

Maasai villages along the way

Giraffes grazing 

Northern red bishop 

Wildebeest and their calf

We eventually arrived at the Serian Kakessio camp in time for lunch around 1. We said goodbye to Gabriel, he had a 6 hour drive back to Arusha. We met some of the other guests over lunch and found out a little more about this camp and its surrounds.

We went back to our tent after lunch and rested until 4. We then went out on a walk to a lookout to view the sunset. It turned out the walk was going to be about 12 kms and the guide, John who looks like Crocodile Dundee, walked at a very fast pace so one other lady and Pam dropped out after an hour and got picked up by a jeep which drove us to the lookout. We had to climb up some rocks which we achieved with the help of the Maasai guides and relaxed on big cushions waiting for the walkers to join us.

All good at the start of the walk

John and Maasai guides waiting for the girls to catch up

Pam and Beth with Maasai guide, Sibul waiting to be picked up in the jeep

John, David, Terry and Maasai guides nearly at the rock

Sundowner drinks at the top of the rock

Maasai guide on top of the rock

Terry really enjoyed the walk, the first big walk he's done since we've been away, but said Pam wouldn't have made it. We sipped Gin and Tonics and watched the sun go down. One of the best sunsets we've seen. Sunsets are very quick here but stunning.

Once the sun had gone down we were helped back down the rocks and into the jeeps and back to camp.

Quick "bucket" shower before dinner. There were 7 other guests and 3 of the camp managers. Lots of stories. Dinner was absolutely lovely, probably the best meal since we've been in Tanzania. Off to bed around 10.

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