Monday 4 March 2013

8 February 2013 - Serian Kakessio Camp, Southwest Serengeti

Today's our last day on safari and given the great experience we had yesterday we decided it couldn't be beaten so had a late start. Woke at 7, breakfast at 8 and in the jeep at 8.30. 

This morning's task was to find a small pack of wild dogs that had been seen the previous day. We drove around for some time but no luck. We headed off across the plains, very bumpy ride, through thousands of wildebeest, zebra and a few gazelles, giraffes and cheetahs. Lots of big birds flying in the thermals. After an hour we stopped for a packed lunch under the shade of a tree and expansive views over the plains. Lots of little dust whirlpools in the distance but it wasn't as windy today as yesterday so no where near the same amount of dust.

 Acacia tree


Hippo keeping an eye on the ducks

 Grey heron

 Elephant grazing of course..

  Cheetahs surveying the scene

 Yellow billed kite

 Kite in flight

 Marabou stork

Vultures on the lookout for a carcass

Headed back to camp at 1.30 arriving at 2.30. A siesta for the afternoon to get organised for our flight to Nairobi tomorrow. We headed out in the jeep at 5.30 to go to the rock for sunset. A number of other guests with our hosts, Billie, Alex and John also came to the top of the rock. One of the other guests had a very young baby with them. The dad gave his mobile phone to the baby to keep him amused I guess and of course the baby dropped the phone and it bounced down the rock into a deep crack. Luckily with the ingenuity of the Maasai guides they were able to retrieve the phone.

 Maasai tribesman starting a fire with sticks


 The phone is down that crack..

 Sundowner drinks on the rock at sunset 

 Trying to retrieve that phone...

Lucky man..

Unfortunately the sunset wasn't too good as it was very cloudy. As we got back into the jeep to head back to camp our driver, Baraka, offered for Terry to drive the jeep back which Terry jumped at. So over some pretty rough terrain, in the dark but with headlights, Terry had a bit of fun driving back. He did a great job, not too bouncy. 

We had a lovely meal for our last night, great way to finish the safari part of the trip.

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