Monday 4 March 2013

4 February 2013 - Olduvai Camp

Up at 6.30 on our own alarm; no wake up call in this camp. Had breakfast at 7 and on the road with a packed lunch at 8.

Gabriel drove us to Ndutu which is a big expansive plain with lots of wildebeest, zebra, gazelle and impala grazing. There were a few elephant and giraffe.

 Bachelor group of Thomson gazelles

 Giraffe's grazing

Black kite

Mum and her foal 

Dung beetle rolling his mound of dung

Yellow throated sand grouse

 Grant's gazelle

 Superb starling

African harrier hawk

 Lion watching the zebras

 Zebras watching the lions

Taking it easy


Secretary bird

We were keen for Gabriel to find a cheetah and he did get a call on the radio that cheetahs had been found, so we headed that way. Along the way we also saw a large pride of lions lazing in the sun, they are such lazy animals in the middle of the day.

Large pride of lions

We then found the cheetahs, a mum and 4 cubs. They had just eaten something because one of the cubs had blood down his chin and front legs which the other cubs were licking off him. They weren't in a hunting mood and again lazed about under the shade of a tree. We sat and ate our packed lunch and watched the cheetahs for an hour. They didn't do much but moved from one shady tree to another. One cub looked like he might jump on the bonnet of our jeep, but didn't.

Mum and her cubs

We moved after lunch and took a different route back to camp which took about 2 hours.

 Superb starling


Zebra crossing!

We rested back at camp, Terry then went for a walk to the top of the lookout just behind the camp.

View from the lookout, maasai tribesman

We went to the bar for a drink in the early afternoon and chatted to some English guys for a couple of hours. Terry was working out all the names of the birds he has photographed over the past 3 days. He borrowed Gabriel's bird book to help him. We had dinner with the British guys and another English couple. Food was OK.
Off to bed at 9.30

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