Monday 4 March 2013

17 February 2013 - The Seychelles to Johannesburg

Packed our duffel bags and headed off to breakfast.
Had a couple of hours after breakfast to wait before we headed off to the airport. Said fond farewell to the staff at Raffles.

Taken to airport, took the 11.45am flight to Mahe. Flight out of Mahe to Nairobi left at 2.10pm. Arrived Nairobi 4pm. Waited Nairobi airport 4 hours... Nairobi airport is not a fun place to stay for 4 hours, we read books and did puzzles. Hence the reason for the earlier comment on going back to Jo'burg and getting a direct flight to The Seychelles.

The flight to Jo'burg was due to leave at 8.40pm, didn't leave until 9.40pm. Couldn't get one of the engines started. Can't understand how the plane gets to the gate only to find that one of the engines won't start....Kenya Airways !!, never again... 

The flight was uneventful and we arrived at Jo'burg at 1am. 

Had to wake up the shuttle bus driver to take us to the hotel. No doubt he was expecting us an hour or so earlier. The hotel agreed to a late check out and we headed to bed.

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