Monday 4 March 2013

17 January 2013 - Melbourne to Johannesburg

We got the 7.30am flight to Sydney. Terry found the medical clinic at the airport so the doctor could administer the Clexane injection (blood thinner). All went well, very nice and helpful doctor. We are carrying a bundle of Clexane injections. For any flights longer than 8 hours Terry requires an injection before we fly and again once we land, to keep his blood thin and minimise the possibility of getting DVT.

We were an hour late leaving Sydney. There were only a few passengers in premium economy and business whereas economy was full. We had seats in premium economy behind the bulk head so lots of room for Terry to stretch out his leg and get up and down as often as he wanted.

We flew through the day so we didn't sleep much on the plane. Watched movies, read, did puzzles to pass the time. Terry was up and down a bit to stretch his legs.

Johannesburg airport was easy to get through. We found the medical centre so Terry could have another Clexane injection, there was a small charge of 50 rand which is about $6.

We jumped on the hotel shuttle bus for a 5 minute ride to the O.R. Tambo Southern Sun Hotel which is within the airport precinct. You can't walk to it as there aren't any footpaths and it's a jumble of roads and overpasses.

We met June & Kalman, the Canadian couple of the group in the hotel lobby as they were heading to the gym. We arranged to meet for dinner at 7ish in the hotel restaurant along with Maria and Steven, the American couple of the group. The meal was OK about what you'd expect for an airport hotel. We all headed off to bed around 9.

L-R: Steve, Maria, Kalman & June

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