Monday 4 March 2013

19 January 2013 - Tau Pan Camp, Kalahari Desert

We were woken up at 5am by our tracker, Timber. Thankfully you don't need to set an alarm, they come and wake you each morning. It was still dark but the sun was starting to come up.

Got dressed then off to the mess hall for a cuppa, muffin and cereal. We are allowed to walk to the mess hall on our own in the mornings as you can see what's around you, although if an animal was close by I think we'd be a bit nervous. You are meant to stand completely still if you do see anything which would be easier said than done.

Headed out in the jeep at 6 for our morning safari. The jeep is open on all sides with a canopy as a roof. There were two rows of seats for 3 people in each row. The rows are stepped so you are higher in the back row for easy vision over those in front. They provide plenty of water.

The Jeep

We saw kudu, oryx, wildebeest, springbok, impala, lion (very close), eagle, hawk, vulture, fox, ostrich, guinea fowl, other birds and colourful wildflowers. It rained a bit but they had heavy duty ponchos in the jeep. However Terry & Maria still got pretty wet as they were sitting on the side where the rain was blowing in. They did dry off by the time we got back to camp. Before we headed back to camp we stopped in the grasslands for a cuppa and biscuits.





Tau Pan Camp 

Lion "close up" 

Lions playing near the jeep 

We got back to the camp at 11 for brunch - eggs, toast, salad, cheese, other hot dishes. We all headed back to our cabins for a siesta until 4.

Back to the mess hall at 4 for a drink; whatever you wanted wine, beer, soft drink, tea, coffee etc and a bit to eat - cake, fruit, nibbles. You won't go hungry at these camps.

We took off at 4.30 for the afternoon safari drive. Saw lions again, just lazing under a couple of trees waiting for nightfall and their next hunting session. Passed herds of wildebeest, oryx, kudu and all sorts of birds. Stopped for a "sundowner", a gin and tonic for Terry and Pam, before heading back to camp. The light was amazing as the sun was starting to set.


"Rockin" Roller 


Carstom preparing "Sundowner" drinks 

Kudu at sunset 


Dinner at 7, bed at 9.30.

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