Monday 4 March 2013

12 February 2013 - L'Archipel, The Seychelles

Up around 8, went to the pool for a swim before breakfast. Had breakfast down on the terrace next to the beach. However we had to move tables because they allow smoking at all tables and with the breeze it was pretty unpleasant. We found a table out of the way of the smokers, such a pain.

Headed back to the room. I bought a voucher to use the internet in the room as they said the wireless works in all rooms however it wasn't to be. The only place the internet worked was in their lobby which is open but under shade. Not such a drama but it was very warm. Spent an hour catching up on mail and news.

They were renovating a unit in front of the one we were staying in so electrical equipment was making a racket and the gardener was using a whipper snipper around the grass at the adjoining units so there wasn't any peace and quiet. Terry went off to the library to read his book advising the reception people about the noise, nothing happened. It continued most of the day.

Lazed around the pool most of the afternoon, under shade as the sun was very hot. Walked into the little village later in the day. Along the way we saw these very bright orange crabs walking along the shallow creek and funny little white crabs coming out of their sand holes.

Crabs in the shallows 

 Along the shoreline into the village

Looking back at L'Archipel from the village

The tide was coming in so it was a little difficult to walk through the shallows to the village, so much seaweed, we had to go back through a hotel to the road and walk that way. The local bird, a common fody, was present en masse around one of the hotels, looked like a scene from "The Birds".  The male is orange, the female brown. Not much to see or do in the village so we got the local bus back to our hotel.

Scenes from "The Birds"

Buffet dinner on the beach was OK, had to move tables again due to smokers. Back to the room about 10.

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