Monday 4 March 2013

18/19 February 2013 - Johannesburg to Melbourne

Slept OK. Up at 9. Breakfast. Read, watched TV until 1p.m. in hotel room. Got a shuttle back to the airport.

Had some lunch at the airport & booked our luggage in. Headed over to the medical centre for Terry to have a Clexane injection. As it was only 2.30 and we weren't flying until 6 the nurse said Terry had to wait until 4 to get his injection. Clexane only lasts in the blood for 12 hours so you have to have the injection close to flight time. We waited in the medical centre until 4. Terry had his injection.

We cleared passport control, Terry waited in the Qantas lounge. Boarded the plane, the seats we'd booked had been given to someone else for no reason. Premium economy wasn't full. The attendant said we could move to more suitable seats once the flight took off, which we did.

The flight was uneventful and we arrived in Sydney at 2pm on the 19th after a 12 hour flight. Took no time to get through passport control, picked up our luggage and went through customs. We thought we might have got searched at customs but we didn't.

Went to the medical centre for Terry to have his last Clexane injection and a script for a couple of infected hair follicles on the back of his head which had flared up in the past couple of days, they were extremely painful. 

Flight to Melbourne left on time and we landed at Tulla at 6p.m. Home at Williamstown by 7p.m.

It was a great trip. Apart from the minor hiccup on The Seychelles we had a wonderful time. We'd recommend a safari to everyone and if we had to choose, we'd put Botswana ahead of Tanzania.

Look forward to catching up with everyone over the coming weeks.

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